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Back to the Bee Hive

My return to the Bee Hive was met with mixed emotions because the last time I was there and I prayed over the PAX, little did I know how things would change so much. The landscape had changed a bit by the playground due to the hurricane.  It looked like a scene from the movie Tremors.  Nonetheless  it was awesome being out there gettin’ it done with some good guys.

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Warmarama: SSH, Abe Vagodas, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Shoulder Taps, Mayweathers, Plank jacks, Calf Stretch, WHS

The Thang:

ALARM: Arms, Legs, Abs, R exercise, M exercise

Mosey through various parts of the park, Pavilion, Basketball courts, Stage, Football hill

Round 1: Pull ups and Dercans, Lunges, and B-Squats,  Crunchy Frogs and American Hammers, 30x30x30 sprints, MakTar N’Diayes

Round 2: Pansies, Pinky Pies, Squats into calf raises, Step ups/Jump ups, Marionettes and LBCs, 30x30x30 sprint, Motivators (10-1)

Bear-Burp Mountain – 1 Star Jump, Bear Crawl up the hill, 5 Burpees, 5-1

COT: Prayers for Uptown’s relative Tom who contracted COVID (asypmtomatic), Prayers for anyone affected by the hurricane, Streisand and his prostate sample removal

We walked backed to the shovel flag a had some fellowship.


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