Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

Americas Rolling Hills

Warm up

Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, SS hops,LBCS,  Murkins, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps, Arm Circles, Neck Rolls, Trunk Rolls,

Monkey humpers .

The “Thang “

moseyed around the park stopped at the bottom of the rolling hills by the stage to begin our workout.

starting at the bottom of the hill, we did an exercise and then increased it in multiples of 5 on each level of the hill to the top.

5, 10, 5 and 20.  We started with Burpees ( the only exercise done without cadence. ) 2nd round was LBCS, 3rd was Murkins, 4th was SS Hops, 5th- motivators, 6- Imperial Walkers

we then Bear crawled the field at the bottom then moseyed to the Shovel Flag for 5 minutes of Mary, dealers choice .

finished with Countarama, NameOrama and Circle of trust.

great Mumble Chatter at the wand of the workout.

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