Saturday, March 10, 2018, 6:30 AM
Disclaimer read by Uptown, no PAX got in their cars.
Warm-up: cadence work -Abe vegodas, side-straddle hops, grass pickers, Freddie Mercury, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, shoulders taps, merkins, and arm circles. Stretches- Quads, hamstrings, and calfs.
Movement #1 – 30-30-30 X ten. Mosey to pavilion.
Movement #2 – Arms, Abs, legs X ten. Arms OYO- 3-5 pull-ups and 15 dips. Abs in cadence- windshield wipers, big boy/ WWI sit-ups, American hammers, crunchy frogs, air snow angels, flutter kicks, and Freddie Mercury. Legs OYO- Box jumps, step-ups and squats. Mosey to football field.
Movement #3 – Parloffs X four or five (I was fading in and out, and lost count at that point). Followed by 15 dips in pavilion and ten burpies on mosey back to shovel flag.
Mary: Low plank for ten count around the circle. Superman for ten count around the circle.
COR, NOR, announcements / prayer requests. BOM.