F3 Valley Forge @ The Blast Furnace
Thursday 09/05/2019
Conditions : 68 degrees, and surprisingly dry
Q : Tuck
6 PAX showed up in the gloom to get stronger during this beatdown
Mile Mosey, stopping every 1/4 mile for a stretch/exercise
SSH x15 IC
Grass Pickers x15 IC
Abe Vagodas x15 IC
Bonnie Blairs x10 IC
The Thang
A modified version of ‘The Will WOD’ from GoRuck
12 Rounds
10 Squats
10 Merkins
10 American Hammers
10 Raises/Press
One PAX had the weighted rucksack per round, and was tasked with leading the count. The remainders were given various ruck plates and other miscellaneous weights to complete the exercises. With 6 PAX, this led to two complete rotations for the bag.
Big Boy Situps x20 OYO
Dead Cockroaches x20 IC
Crunchie Frogs x20 IC
Flutter Kicks x30 IC
Welcome FNG Compass!