Round 1 Part 1 (baseball field) Partner-up 200 push-ups total, one person does push-ups until partner makes his way around the bases carrying bucket of stone, two plates (25s, 35s, or 45s), or single or double sandbag. Part 2: repeat the same with 200 squats.
Round 2: run to playground, then partner-up in groups of 3 to do pull-up/burpee ladder (one person in group does 1 pull-up other do 1 burpee then switch until everyone does one, and the progress to 2 each and so forth to 10 or 10 minutes whatever comes first.
Round 3 part 1: run to football field partner-up; then one person starts with Spider-Man crawls to the 50 yard line while partner does 10 mile kicks; once partner does 10 he switches with his partner and partner does mule kicks until the 50 yard line is reached. Part 2: crab walk to end zone while partner does 10 high jumps repeat back and forth in same progression as above. Part 3: ape crawls to 50 yard line while partner does 20 sit-ups repeat same progression back and forth, Part 4 bear crawl/hold plank for 30 sec.
Finish last 5 min. with circle up of various abs exercises (each person calls one out for 10 count with or without cadence)