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A day at the Beach

Sunny, 70’s. Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-up on the sand infield. IC -15 reps. imperial walkers, toy soldiers, side lunge, overhead claps, Merkins, Parker Peters, mountain climbers, donkey kicks.

Mosey: Indian run around the park to playground.

At playground: 4 groups of three. One group at each station.  Station 1: pull-ups. Station 2: tucks.  Station 3: underdogs.  Station 4: dips.  30 seconds of exercise, 30 seconds to rotate stations.  Two rounds.

The Thang: At the sand volleyball court. Partner up. Partner 1 with two 15 lbs dumbbells.  Partner 2 with a jump rope.  15 reps of weights and then flapjack with partner. Weight exercises: curls, man makers, back rows, chest flys, shoulder press, dumbbell swings, and skull crushers.

Hip flexor progression instead of Mary.  Six sets of hip flexor exercises with 5 second hold at the maximum extension of flexibility.

Mosey back to shovel flag.

COT – COR, NOR, announcements and prayer.

9 for QSource on marriage.

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