Conditions – Dark
11 PAX met for a quick break from September’s IPC. This included a true flying EH from an FNG who happened to be running past during the warm up and asked what was going on. Disclaimer was given and all accepted. After checking with the Q sheet, 11 PAX is a record for a Thursday workout at the Blast Furnace (outside of Thanksgiving…) Well done by all, it was the kick that I needed to finish off the week.
Abe Vagodas
Arm Circles/Circle Arms
Side Straddle Hops
warm up was finished with a quick lap of the park.
The Thang
After realizing Wednesday night that YHC was on Q, originally I thought I could just make up the workout as we go (20 merkins here, 30 big bois there, etc), but I thought to myself, if there is one other man at this workout, they would easily catch on. And yes, they would get a workout and perhaps some sweat, but the delays between calling out exercises wouldn’t lead to the best one yet. After a quick look through on the Exicon, the BOMBS workout stuck out.
Cumlative with a partner,
50 Burpees
100 Overhand Claps
150 Merkins
200 Big Boi Situps
250 Squats
One Pax does the move, while the partner runs from the flag to the edge of the park and back. Tunes were provided by Einstein.
After that set was finished, there was enough time left over to hold a high plank to ACDCs Thunderstruck, adding in merkins every time the word ‘Thunder’ is said. All felt the pain of Brian Johnson.