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7 of Diamonds

A little cool and windy at the Trojan.  Real feel 31 degrees at 0530; which was perfect for some spring baseball.

Disclaimer – given and accepted

Warmarama – arm circles, side lunges, sumo squat pulses, lunge pulses, mountain climbers, SSH, right over left, left over right.

The Thang

Mosey to the baseball field for 7 of Diamonds starting at home base mosey to each base do a round of 7 reps of exercise for the inning.  Increase 7 reps and change exercise after each inning.

Inning #1 – Burpees = 21 (3×7 OYO)

Inning#2 – Flutter Kicks = 42 (3×14 IC)

Inning #3 – Merkins = 63  (3×21 OYO)

Inning #4 – Squats =   84  (3×28 IC)

Mosey to the parking lot for Brick By Brick

Shuttle run 3 parking spaces x 6 turns (move 3 imaginary bricks) followed by 3 sets of Burpees and Big Boys

Round 1 – 15 Burpees + 15 Big Boys

Round 2 – 10 Burpees + 10 Big Boys

Round 3 – 5 Burpees + 5 Big Boys


Mosey to flag for Freddie Mercury, Prom Dates, Pickle Pushers.


Prayers for our families and friends impacted by Coronavirus, especially for Mr. Brady’s family member Kelly who is a medical professional in NJ who tested positive while serving patients.

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