No one on Q today so we co-Q’d.
Per Cougar, warm up routine:
Parker Peters, Side Straddle Hops, Abe Vigodas, Monkey Humpers.
We jogged the outer edge of the park to the pavilions near the football field.
Per Dial Up, Pavilion 1- pull ups and then bear crawl to next pavilion, Pavilion 2- Bonnie Blairs and lunge walk to next pavilion. Pavilion 3- LBC’s and long jumps to next pavilion. Headed back to each pavilion with each guy bringing a different exercise.
Mini bear crawls and then jog to Stage.
Dips, step ups, incline Merkins, balls to the wall.
Jog back to parking lot for 6 mins of Mary.
10 penalty Burpees.
Counterama, Namearama, Announcements, Prayers, COT.