Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley


Date: August 31st, 2017

Qic: Flame

PAX: Drop Box, Luigi, Checkmate, Popeye, Buckeye, Thundercat, Uptown Girl, Flame

On this glorious morning we are to attempt the 49er, which should be called the 343er … you’ll understand.

Mosey 1/2 mile to the warm-o-rama location then:

Moroccan night Club, Abe Vagoda, Monkey Humpers, Arm Cirlcles, Huggie Bears, Merkins

Mosey 1/2 mile to the playground for the “Main Thang”

Seven exercises, Seven reps each, and Seven rounds.


Pull ups


Overhead arm claps



Air Squared

The first round was attempted by each PAX rotating form one station tot he next. After round 1 it was obviously better to complete all exercises together.

The #mumblechatter was strong with this one. It seems I lied to one of the PAX and told him this was going to be easy. It did seem easy on paper. Ohh well.

After completion we moseyed to the shovel flag for 8 Minutes of Mary.


While there were complaints about the strength of my weinkie I believe all the PAX enjoyed it a little bit.

Announcements: Manniversary (, T shirt order (

Prayers for all the people effected by the hurricane in Houston and the surrounding area. All of those volunteering their time, energy and money. prayers especially for those who lost loved ones in the flooding and devastation. God send provision to them.

Flame out …

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