Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

4 Brothers in the Gloom

It was a cool beautiful morning. Perfect for an F3 beat down at the Ranch to wean us off the Iron Pax challenges of the 4 prior Saturday Mornings before this one.

Warm up.

SS Hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Arm Circles , Trunk Rolls, Merkins, Mountain Climbers.. (much mumble chatter in between  )

The Thang

Moseyed around the park to the Basketball court. Stood on one end of the court ,did an exercise, ran to the other end for another exercise. Rinsed and repeated three times. Moseyed to the end of the road for 10 Burpees OYO.

Ran up the hill to the baseball field for 10 counts each of dips, durkins, , in/outs (with legs) finishing with a low plank at 20 count each.

Moseyed back (the long way) to the shovel flag for six minutes of Mary.

Finished with Countarama, NameOrama and Circle of trust.

Great workout, great Fellowship and prayers. Great  Coffeeteria to follow.

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