Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley


Conditions: It was a mostly sunny start with a pink hue of a new dawn with a temperature of 48 degrees to start the beatdown and increasing to 51 degrees by the end of the beatdown.

We had no FNG’s, but we did have penalty burpees. 40 total for the end of the beatdown. Disclaimer was stated and all posted PAX consented to the core values of F3 with an AYE!

Warm-a-Rama: The following exercises were performed for a total of 18 reps in cadence, with the exception of Apollo Ohno’s, which were performed to nine reps because of a four count cadence (doing two on each side for one total rep).

    Plank Jacks
    Monkey Humpers
    Mountain Climbers
    Side Lunges
    Goof Balls
    Peter Parker Hops (up tempo Peter Parker)
    Apollo Ohno’s

“Thang:” Three minute AMRAP of a 20 yard sprint paired with an exercise for up to 16 reps, rinse and repeated until the three minutes expired. ~30 second recovery between each circuit. The circuits are as follow:

    Burpees <> 20 Yard Sprint
    Squats <> 20 Yard Sprint
    Merkins <> 20 Yard Sprint
    Mountain Climbers <> 20 Yard Sprint
    SSH (done IC to keep the PAX unified) <> 20 Yard Sprint
    Bonnie Blairs <> 20 Yard Sprint

At this point in the beatdown a “Q-Tip” was shared by YHC on Q 2.o – Living Right from Saturday, and by Uptown Girl on Q 2.1 – IMPACT with regard to being grateful for the high IMPACT we actually do, but don’t realize! It was inspiring and motivating to prepare for Saturday’s lesson at 0745. …Back to the routine to complete one final circuit.

    Tuck Jumps (or Squat with Knee Raise on left, rinse and repeat on right) <> 20 Yard Sprint

Mary: I had a preplanned Mary routine, but a workout must always start and end on time and interest Burpees had to be cashed in.

    40 Circle Burpees

Count-a-Rama: 15

Name-a-Rama: See generalized post


    Mini CSAUP event on Sunday May 24, 2020 from 0900-1400 at Blue Rocks Camp Ground in Lenhartsville, PA. There will be a 45 minute beatdown prior to the 5.5 mile hike to Pinnacle and Pulpit Rock. M’s and 2.0 are welcome to join. Pack a lunch, bring mumble chatter and great laughs and camera’s for pictures during the hike to use for #G3tth3Ruck0ut Facebook page being created.
    Dr. Seuss and Who Dat have Co-Q for the beatdown at the Trojan on Thursday @ 0530-0615. Way to lead 43ft ahead HIM’s!
    Dynamite and Uptown will Co-Q for the beatdown at the Bee Hive on Saturday @ 0630-0730, as well as, the beatdown on at Blue Rocks prior to the hike on Sunday.
    We welcome Dial-Up to leading his first Q-Source on Saturday proceeding the beatdown on IMPACT. Way to step up, brother!


    Praises for Open House and family’s safety during recent travels for work.
    Prayer for Dynamite’s colleague, a fellow believer, who contracted COVID-19 and restoration of her health.
    Prayer for those struggling in their respective flux. God hears your cries and will help. Just pray!

HIM’s and 2.0’s, it was my astute duty, honor and pleasure to lead you all from front to deliver a challenging, effective beatdown to help you sharpen yourselves and one another to have IMPACT and continue “Living Right.” If there is anyway I can serve you all, don’t hesitate to reach out. Ps 133:1 “How good and pleasant it is for brothers to live together in UNITY.” If you’re in the flux, please reach out so we can help you. As Samuel said to Eli, not knowing it was God calling, “Here I am.” We’re here and will make ourselves available to be there for you!

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