Saturday July 13, 2019, Reeves Park, Phoenixville – Blast Furnace
Q : Flipper
Conditions : 64 and partly cloudy, lower humidity
2 PAX Posted for a morning pre-ruck
11 PAX Posted for a Flipper beatdown workout
Disclaimer was given, with assistance from multiple PAX with reminders to modify as needed!
Mosey around Reeves Park (0.5 miles)
Warmup :
10 Arm Circles IC
10 Circle Arms IC
20 second deep hamstring stretches – each side
20 Side Straddle Hops IC
15 Imperial Walkers IC
15 Imperial Squat Walkers IC
The Thang :
(10) rounds of : (3, 2, 1!)
– 300 foot run to the back of the baseball diamond
– 20 air squats
– 10 burpees
(Which equaled : 200 air squats and 100 burpees if you weren’t counting. Flipper was off to a good start)
Mosey over to the bandstand, where we did :
(5) rounds of :
– 10 triceps dips
– mosey around Mr Reeves to the Pagoda
– 10 side merkins (left hand high on curb of pagoda)
– 10 side merkins (right hand high on curb of pagoda)
Flipper had intended 10 rounds, but the PAX was starting to drag, time was running out, so we capped at 5 rounds and headed over for some 6MOM.
6MOM :
10 side plank bends IC
10 side plank bends IC (other side)
10 V-Ups IC
20 Neo IC (on your six, legs planted, back up off the ground, finger guns pointed on both sides)
20 Morpheus IC (same as Neo except legs 6″ off the ground)
Number-ama : 11 PAX Posted
FNGs : 4 !! Welcome Grizz, Buffett, Tide and Fert (short for Fertilizer!)
Words of Wisdom :
Flipper mentioned how our attitudes can affect those around us.
Sweaty Ball of Man
Circle of Trust
Prayers for the family that lost their life in our recent flooding (mom and children), and also our brother ChemX, battling the issue with his lung.
Shout out to Whizz, visiting us from F3 Charleston!