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3 PAX initially posted to a relatively chilly start to the workout but were joined by Ringworm after the warm-a-rama.

Since we were doing the 26er YHC looked up Psalms 26 for our inspirational scripture for the day:

Psalms 26:1 “Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have integrity and I trust in the Lord without wavering.”

It proved to be a great reminder to check ourselves to be sure our thoughts, words, and actions are in alignment so we have integrity.

Mosey to basketball court for Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Monkey Humpers, Side Squats, Imperial Walkers,Best Stretch Ever, Cobra/Downward Dog, Plank Jacks, Zig Zag Hops, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Carioca

The Thang:

Wind Sprint – jog/run/sprint up Franklin Street ~ 50 yards each; mosey back to start

26er (13 exercises @ 26 reps each):

·        Hand-Release Merkins

·        Prisoner Squats

·        Alternating Hand/Leg Planks

·        Dips

·        Flutter Kicks

·        Mountain Climbers

·        Crab Cakes

Run lap around the field

·        Burpees

·        Step Ups

·        Carolina Dry Docks

·        WWIs

·        Bonnie Blairs

·        Diamond Merkins

Triple Check: P1 People’s Chair, P2 Plank, P3 run across field and back; rotate through 3 times

Mosey to Playground

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — American Hammers, Freddie Mercury, 6 Inches, Crunchy Frogs

COT: prayers for Ringworm’s grandfather’s health issues; prayers for Pork Chop’s daughter who is due to deliver his 3rd grandchild any day.

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