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20-20 in 2020…and a hill

First Saturday workout of the New Year! Five men at Reeves Park in the early morning fog to celebrate the number 20 and feel leg pain.

Warm-up included: half lap run, side-straddle hops, grass pickers, arm circles, mountain climbers, jog down to Boyant Hill.

The Thang:

20 of an exercise at the bottom of Boyant Hill, sprint to the top, repeat same exercise for 20 more reps (2020!), rinse and repeat

exercises included: Merkins, lunges, mountain climbers, squats, wide Merkins, burpees, dips

concluded with continuous 2 min, 20 seconds of Merkin at the bottom, sprint to top, Merkin at the top, sprint to bottom, continuous until times up

mosey jog back to Reeves Park, followed by abs (20 reps of various exercises, consistent with theme of 2020)

COT: not making impossible-to-fulfill resolutions for the New Year, but just treating everyone with a little bit more respect, kindness, and love on a daily basis, which everyone can do with a small bit of effort



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