Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

1, 2, 3, 4 at the Grill

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…or maybe it is just plagiarism.   Anyway, YHC was perusing the recent BB and my eye caught Tuck’s BB from the blast furnace.  I decided to use it at the Grill.  Thanks Tuck!!

4 PAX posted including Dynamite who opted to grace the Grill with his presence.  After all, the Grill is where Dynamite exploded on F3 so it is appropriate for him to return to his roots occasionally.  It is always good to have his energy to liven up the workout.

Disclaimer was given and accepted.

Mosey to the end of the street for warm-a-rama: SSH, Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Best Stretch Ever, Bird Dogs, T Planks

Mosey back to the park

The Thang:

Two cones were set up ~ 80 yards apart.

Cone 1: Burpees and Imperial Walkers

Cone 2: Merkins and Flutter Kicks

1 Burpee, run to cone 2 for 2 Merkins, run back to cone 1 for 3 Imperial Walkers, run to cone 2 for 4 Flutter Kicks

Repeat and increase reps each round by 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively (2 Burpees, 4 Merkins, 6 Imperial Walkers, 8 Flutter Kicks).

10 rounds up to 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 30 Imperial Walkers, and 40 Flutter kicks

Total of 55 Burpees, 110 Merkins, 165 Imperial Walkers, and 220 Flutter kicks and ~ 1600 yards of sprint/mosey!  Only 4 exercises but we all worked up a good sweat.

Mary: Glute/leg extensions; WWI sit ups.  no more time.

COT: prayers for Dynamite’s sister recovering from car accident; prayers for Pork Chop cleaning up his farm after significant flooding and damage.

YHC had to head home ASAP but the rest of the PAX went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria.

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