12/30/2023 - Steel Town - “Wait! I’m the Q?”

AO: Steel Town

When: 12/30/2023


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Abacus, Bambi, Dr. Luck, Dynamite, eager beaver, Gambit, Open House, Peeps,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Doctor Luck

The BackBlast:

Two PAX from Downrange: Carny (Orlando, FL); Capsize (Arlington, VA).

Four for EBS: two did the outer loops; two did the inner loop.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-o-rama: Overhead claps; large arm circles forward and back; trunk rolls; Abe Vigodas; Shoulder taps; Peter Parkers; Imperial Walkers; Grass pickers; Merkins; Mountain climbers; Toy soldiers.

Run a lap and a half around lot, then draw coupons.

The Thang:

First round: Thrusters, IC x 15; LBCs, IC x 20; Goblet Squats, SC x 30.

Two down and backs.

Second round: Hand-release Merkins, SC x 20; WW3s, OYO x 15; Coupon lunges, IC x 20.

Two down and backs.

Third round: Diamond Merkins, IC x 10; Box cutters, IC x 30; Squat jumps with coupons.  NB: Dynamite constantly challenges each of us to do better.

Two down and backs.

Fourth round: Blockees, SC x 15; WWIs, SC x 30; Coupon lunges, IC x 20.

Two down and backs.

Fifth round: Bench press, SC x 20; American Hammers, IC x 30; Goblet squats, SC x 30.


CoT.  January gets its name from the Roman god Janus.  Janus had two faces, but not in a dishonest way.  One face looked backward and one looked forward.  The PAX all had this sense of endings and beginnings in mind.

Coffeteria followed, with Q Source.  Discussed the meaning of “Movement,” which makes the whole idea of “Acceleration” more clear.

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